5 Easiest Top Laners to Play in LoL

5 Easiest Top Laners to Play in LoL

5 Easiest Top Laners to Play in LOL

When learning a new role in League of Legends, it would benefit you heavily to play an easier champion rather than a hard champion so you can focus more on learning the role than the champion itself. If you want to dabble in learning the Top Lane, this guide’s for you!

In this Mobalytics guide, we will discuss 5 of the easiest Top Lane champions in League of Legends. This list is in no particular order and is somewhat opinionated. You may find some of these champions harder than others, and you may think that there are way easier champions around!

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Here are 5 of the easiest Top Laners to play in League of Legends

  1. Garen
  2. Dr Mundo
  3. Nasus
  4. Teemo
  5. Tryndamere

1. Garen

Garen is one of the easiest top lane champions in the game. His Passive is very useful for a beginner because it offers him extra sustain in the lane which increases his survivability. Thankfully, lacks any skill shots too, which makes him perfect for learning the role. Demacian Justice, Garen’s Ultimate, is quite strong too as it is an execute that is point and click.

Garen also can escape skirmishes or engage easily with his Q as it offers him a speed boost! Overall, Garen is a perfect champion for a beginner and is one of the easiest champions in the game period.

Learn how to play Garen by checking out Garen’s champion page.

2. Dr Mundo

Dr Mundo is a pretty easy champion to learn because he is a tank champion. During the laning phase, all you really do is trade and farm. Dr Mundo’s Q can help him last hit in the toughest of matchups too, which will help you be a menace in the later stages of the game.

He only has 1 skill shot on his Q, which has a large range and is rather easy to hit. Other than that, his kit and the items Dr Mundo buys will increase his sustain throughout the game to help him stay alive.

Learn how to play Dr Mundo by checking out Dr Mundo’s champion page.

3. Nasus

Nasus just presses Q. The end. I’m being told that I can’t just leave it at that, so… Nasus doesn’t do a lot in the early game. He just needs to focus on surviving and last hitting minions with his Q to get stacks. He is pretty tanky and has lots of survivability in the lane.

The hardest thing about Nasus is some of the matchups and wave management. Generally speaking, focusing on keeping the wave close to your tower early increases your survivability and will make it easier for you to last hit minions and get stacks.

Learn how to play Nasus by checking out Nasus’s champion page.

4. Teemo

Teemo is the only ranged champion on our list. He is a very good beginner champion because he can bully the enemy down from afar, and as most champions are melee in the top- he has a lot of bully potential.

His Q can protect him from the enemy all-in as it can prevent them from auto-attacking you. Your W is a speed boost that allows you to run away quickly. Finally, your Ultimate can be used to prevent ganks and keep the enemy pushed into their tower. All in all, Teemo is a great beginner champion and easy to play. I’d like to make it known though, he is probably one of the harder champions to master on our list.

Learn how to play Teemo by checking out Teemo’s champion page.

5. Tryndamere

Tryndamere has a dash, a heal and can prevent death with his Ultimate. Tryndamere is an easy champion to play because of the tools built in his kit to keep him alive.

He is also a super aggressive champion, and one way of learning how to master a champion is by constantly fighting. So if you like fighting, he could be the champion for you.

Learn how to play Tryndamere by checking out Tryndamere’s champion page.


That about sums up our top 5 easiest Top Laners in League of Legends. Do you agree with our list? Let us know!

For more tips and tricks, head to Mobalytics!

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